Phisiotherapy Clinic
Architecture, Interior Design, Project Management & Construction Administration
©ImagenSubliminal (Miguel de Guzman + Rocio Romero)

A two-level 450sqm abandoned store, dark and void. The challenge was to envision a place to disconnect from the street hustle and connect with our bodies. From the flow and lighting to the material palette and furniture selection, we created a welcoming, warm and relaxing experience while keeping a professional image away from the masseurs stereotype.
The program required us to combine different degrees of privacies: individual physiotherapy cabins’ and flexible rooms for pilates and yoga activities. The cabins, placed on the upper floor towards the long street-facing façade, became the show-window and an effortless way to communicate what was happening inside. Each one of them incorporates a three component module: greenery, organizing and cleaning area and changing seat.
The doors, made from pinewood and polycarbonate, allow the light to filter into the corridor that becomes a relaxing waiting area with its built-in sofas. Through the green stairs and rope railing, we connected to the lower level of the store where we located the changing rooms, service areas and the pilates area - a series of folding doors transform the 100 sqm space into three 30 sqm rooms.
From the heart of the clinic, the path back to the entrance becomes a peaceful transition back into the city life.